Fleas and Flea Repellents

Fleas are tiny, brown insects that live on your pet. These insects feed on the blood of their host. They don’t have wings, and instead have very strong legs and flat bodies. This allows them to jump long distances and move from one host to another. Fleas are able to hide in the fur of your pet, where they can cause a large infestation.

Fleas also prefer a particular host. They are attracted to the smell of sweat, blood, and goods that are used on a person’s skin. The smell of your pet can also attract the fleas. The good news is that you can mask the scent of your pet.

When fleas bite, they cause a sharp pain, which is not pleasant for your pet. Their salivary glands give off an odor, which is very irritating for many animals. Your dog can also feel the fleas, but can’t smell them. Therefore, you have to wash your pet’s bedding regularly to keep them from attracting fleas.

You can also spray a vinegar-based flea repellent on your pet’s fur. Vinegar is an effective repellent that is safe for your pet and the environment. You can use either apple cider vinegar or white vinegar. The white vinegar has a more pungent smell, which repels fleas more effectively. But be sure to dilute the vinegar before using it on your pet.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!