Flea Traps – How Do Flea Traps Help Get Rid of Fleas?

If you’ve got a flea infestation and you don’t want to spend a lot of money on chemicals, flea traps may be the answer. These simple devices contain soapy water and battery-operated tea lights. Placed near areas where fleas are most active, they will capture fleas that are attracted to the light and drown in the water.

When buying flea traps, you should look for one with a good warranty. Typically, the warranty period is about two years. If you find one that’s more than a year, this might be a sign that the product is not of a high quality. You can also read customer reviews online.

Homemade traps are another option for flea control. The light bulb trap is the easiest to make. The light bulb provides heat and light, which attracts fleas that jump toward it. Dish soap mixed in 500 mL water can work well as a flea trap. Be sure to use low-voltage bulbs to minimize the risk of an electric shock. Alternatively, you can use a small battery bank to power the trap.

Electrocuted traps can hurt small children or pets. A glue trap, on the other hand, can stick to a fingertip and can be removed without any pain. Other traps use a poison to kill fleas. While these traps are effective in getting rid of fleas, be careful when using them around children and pets.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!