Do Ultrasonic Pest Repellers Work on Fleas?

Ultrasonic pest repellers are becoming popular among homeowners to keep fleas and other pests from inhabiting their home. However, they are not without their problems. For one thing, they have limited effectiveness and are short-lived. According to studies by the United States Department of Agriculture and the National Wildlife Research Center, ultrasonic pest repellents only work for a few days and can actually make the pest problems worse. In one study, ultrasonic pest repellents caused an increase in the bite rate of mosquitoes by 50 percent.

Ultrasonic pest repellers are battery-operated devices that plug into a power outlet. Some are portable, allowing them to be used in locations without power sources. Ultrasonic pest repellents work by emitting high-frequency vibrations and high-pitched sound waves. These sound waves are essentially imperceptible to human ears, but some people may hear them.

In addition to their effectiveness, ultrasonic pest repellents are also safer than traps and poisons. However, they can be uncomfortable for pets, especially those with sensitive hearing. In addition, ultrasonic devices can cause behavioral changes in pets. Consequently, many states in the USA have banned the sale of ultrasonic devices.

Regardless of the pros and cons of ultrasonic pest repellers, there is little evidence that they work on fleas. Unlike most other household pests, fleas are not affected by ultrasound waves above 200 kHz. Even though this does not mean ultrasonic pest repellers are ineffective, they can be expensive. This is why it is important to learn more about the technology behind these devices.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!