Do I Have Fleas Or Lice?

The first step to eliminating a flea infestation is to properly inspect your pet. Check for bite marks, which can be caused by lice or flea eggs. Both types of parasites can cause skin infections. Lice can also transmit several diseases. Lice typically live in the pubic area and on the scalp. Lice bites are extremely itchy and can result in secondary skin infections, which are harder to treat. In severe cases, lice can lead to sores that are filled with pus. In addition to causing itching and discomfort, lice can also spread diseases like typhus and European relapsing fever. Additionally, lice excreta can cause serious scalp infections.

In most cases, lice and fleas have similar physical characteristics. In addition to being tiny, they are very fast. While fleas can jump 130 times their own height, lice can jump up to thirteen inches, which is more than twice their body length. They also have long legs and claws that help them cling to the host’s hair.

There are a variety of treatment options for fleas and lice infestations. The first step is to thoroughly clean your pet’s bedding and other areas. You can also use over-the-counter cortisone cream or calamine lotion. However, if you are allergic to fleas or lice, you may need to consult a doctor.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!