Do Fleas Make Humans Itch?

You may have been asking, “Do fleas make humans itch?” If so, you’re not alone! Most flea bites are painful and irritated, and many people use antihistamines to reduce the itch and discomfort associated with flea bites. Antihistamines can either be taken as a pill or applied directly to the irritated skin. Another popular remedy is hydrocortisone, a corticosteroid that is mixed with an anesthetic to reduce the swelling and itching associated with flea bites.

While most fleas bites are not serious, some people experience rashes and bleeding under the skin. It is important to see your doctor if you are experiencing this type of discomfort, because flea bites can harbor diseases and parasites. You may need to take antibiotics for a period of time, so it is important to get medical care as soon as possible.

Flea bites usually leave red, irritated bumps on the skin that may have a halo. They will also itch and be sore for several days or weeks. In contrast to mosquito bites, flea bites usually do not swell. Occasionally, they may cause rashes or hives. These reactions can take up to 24 hours to develop.

Although fleas can bite humans, they are primarily a concern for animals. In particular, new tenants to apartments are often bitten by fleas. These pests prefer animals over humans, so it’s important to remove the infestation as soon as possible.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!