Do Fleas Kill Humans?

Fleas are wingless parasites that cause itchy bumps on humans and pets. They feed on blood of mammal and bird hosts. Humans are a preferred host of the chigoe flea, which burrows into a host’s skin before it feeds on the blood. The female flea needs a blood meal to reproduce, which causes the itching and inflammation associated with flea bites.

Flea bites are accompanied by red, itchy, and painful skin lesions. These bumps are often found on the legs, arms, and ankles. Flea bites can also cause small pimples or discolored blisters to form. Fleas carry parasites and can cause infection if not treated in time.

Children are especially vulnerable to flea bites from pet pets, especially when they play outside in shady areas. Children can also catch fleas from the family dog or babysitter’s pet. The love for a pet can cause fleas to jump onto the child’s bed.

Fleas are often found on humans, as they cannot live without animals. Fleas bite humans and can jump from animal to human. They can infest a home, where they can lay eggs. Once these hatch, the fleas bite the person. If you have a pet, it is possible to remove them from the home.

Fleas can transmit a variety of diseases to humans and pets. In some areas, they may cause an outbreak of the plague. Some species of these pests are even known to cause allergic reactions. They can also carry tapeworms. In addition, they can cause anemia in pets. The bites from fleas can be painful, and excessive scratching can damage the skin and invite secondary bacterial infections.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!