Do Fleas Cause Heartworms?

Heartworms are caused by parasitic infestations such as fleas and ticks. They can be transmitted to humans, which can lead to serious health complications. Fleas and ticks are active year-round and are carried into yards by wildlife. If your pet is exposed to these parasites, prevention is essential. Keeping your pet indoors is one of the best ways to prevent heartworms and other parasitic diseases.

Infections with heartworms can be fatal, especially if they are not treated in time. Heartworms affect your pet’s heart, lungs, blood vessels, and other organs. In the worst cases, heartworms can cause organ failure and even damage to arteries. To avoid infection and prevent its complications, treat your dog’s heartworms as early as possible.

Heartworm disease is most prevalent along the Gulf and Atlantic coast, and along the Mississippi River. However, it has been reported in all fifty states. In the southern Great Lakes region, it is especially common. Infections with heartworm disease are caused by the larvae of these parasites, which enter the bloodstream and travel to nearby organs. In most cases, heartworms attack the liver, which leads to liver failure and cirrhosis. The damage to the liver causes jaundice, anemia, and other symptoms. The condition also causes the kidneys to malfunction and toxins to build up.

Heartworm disease is spread through mosquito bites. Symptoms include listlessness, difficulty breathing, and coughing. A heartworm test is recommended annually. If found early, heartworm disease is curable.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!