Do Fleas Cause Cats to Lose Weight?

If your cat is losing weight, it is possible that fleas are the culprit. Fleas are carriers of larva that can cause tapeworm infection in cats. These parasites can be difficult to detect, but cats will display weight loss and a poor coat if they have fleas. A regular checkup with your veterinarian can help detect flea infestation.

Fleas are a common problem for cats. They can cause itchy, irritated skin and even hair loss. Fleas can also carry a tapeworm that can become embedded in your cat’s intestine. While it is rare to develop a tapeworm infection in cats, it can cause your cat to lose weight.

Fleas can also cause sores on your cat’s skin. Your cat may scratch or bite his body and this can lead to painful, itchy sores. These sores can be red, raised and raw, and may ooze pus. While these sores are unpleasant for your cat, they can also cause him to become aggressive. If you notice that your cat is scratching excessively, it is likely that your cat has fleas.

Fleas feed on the blood of cats. They also feed on carpets, furniture, and other soft furnishings. Regular vacuuming is essential to prevent fleas from breeding. Wash your cat’s bedding regularly.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!