Did You Know That Fleas Can Bite Humans?
Fleas are common annoyances for animals and people for many years. Most people who have pets have had to deal with fleas at some point, whether it was through treating them with medicine, flea dip, or other treatment. But did you know that fleas can also bite humans? You’ve probably seen those adorable little insects crawling all over your carpet, but did you know that they can also bite you?
Flea bites can cause a range of symptoms. These can include pain in the chest, abdominal, and joints, and may result in discolored blisters or pimples. In some cases, they can also cause disease, since they can carry parasites. If you have these symptoms, it’s important to seek medical care.
Fleas feed on blood. They will bite humans to get at their blood vessels. Their mouthparts are made to pierce through skin and find these blood vessels. Fortunately, it’s relatively easy to eliminate fleas from your home with modern extermination methods. It’s also a good idea to check your pets for signs of flea infestation.
Fleas are often found in groups of three or four and will leave a light red halo around their bodies. While many fleabites do not cause a reaction, human beings often become a secondary target. Adult fleas, however, can become a primary target if they come across a cocoon on the ground. If they’re hungry, they’ll pounce on the human after they wake up.