Are Moth Balls Good For Fleas?

Fleas can be a nuisance and can be costly to treat. Infestations can also cause serious skin infections and require veterinary attention. While mothballs are used to repel fleas, they do not actually kill them. The flakes of mothballs are harmless to people and pets, but moths can be harmful to animals and your home.

If you are using mothballs to kill fleas, it is important to keep these things out of reach of pets. The active ingredients in mothballs can be poisonous for animals, so you must use them in limited amounts, and store them in a sealed container. Additionally, mothballs should never be used in open spaces.

Kids often mistake mothballs for candy, so it is important to keep mothballs out of their reach. Mothballs contain naphthalene, which is potentially dangerous when ingested. This chemical can cause skin irritation, confusion, hemolytic anemia, and vomiting. In addition, mothballs contain paradichlorobenzene, which is harmful to children and adults. This pesticide is absorbed into the skin, blood, and fat.

Another option for a safe alternative to mothballs is to use hot water and dish soap. Hot water will kill fleas and their eggs, and vacuuming and steam cleaning will remove them as well. Another natural solution is diatomaceous earth, which kills fleas and other insects. Another way to use diatomaceous earth to kill fleas and other bugs is to sprinkle it on carpets. This material absorbs the fatty layer of an insect’s outer cover and kills it completely.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!