Can You Use Flea Shampoo After Frontline?

Before you begin using a flea shampoo or flea powder on your dog, you must wait at least 48 hours after applying Frontline Plus to the dog’s coat. During this time, it is important not to bathe your dog. This prevents the chemicals in Frontline from being washed off and removing the oils in the coat.

When you use a flea shampoo after Frontline, it is imperative to use a gentle shampoo. Using a human shampoo or flea shampoo on your dog will only make matters worse. Human shampoos and flea shampoos are different in pH than those made for dogs, so they can easily strip your dog’s coat of essential oils. You should also use a shampoo formulated for dogs if you know that your dog suffers from a skin condition.

If you must bathe your dog after Frontline, use a soap-free shampoo. This will prevent the fleas from rubbing into the coat. Make sure to wait at least 24 hours before bathing. This will ensure that the shampoo has fully dried. You should avoid giving your pet flea shampoo or flea powder after applying Frontline, as it will cause the shampoo to dry out your pet’s skin and coat.

Alternatively, you can use a water-based formula to prevent any itchiness. These products contain adulticides and Infest Stop(tm) which stop the flea eggs and larvae from developing. Adult female fleas exposed to Infest Stop will die and lay dead eggs instead.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!