Can You See Fleas on Short Haired Dogs?

If you own a dog with short hair, you may be wondering whether you can see fleas on your pet. This type of dog is just as susceptible to flea bites as its long haired counterpart. This is because fleas live in warm, moist environments, so they like to stay in areas that are warm and moist. Fleas are most likely to be found in areas with thick fur, such as the face, ears, and elbows.

Adult fleas are about an eighth of an inch long, reddish brown, and very thin. They have large back legs and can jump as much as twelve inches in one leap. They may also harbor up to 100 immature fleas. If you see specks of blood on your pet, these are simply dried blood from the fleas’ diet. These specks will turn brown once rehydrated.

There are many methods to treat your dog for fleas. One method involves using dish soap on your dog. Fleas cannot stand the strong chemicals in dish soap, so this method will kill them within minutes. However, it is best to use unscented and mild dish soap. Then, apply the mixture to your dog’s coat, and let it sit for 15 minutes. Repeat this daily until fleas are completely gone.

You can also use a flea comb. These tools are designed to pick up flea dirt and can be used to remove them from your dog. Fleas are dark brown, and can be seen with the naked eye.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!