Can You Get Rid of Fleas by Vacuuming?

Vacuuming can kill fleas, but it’s not a guaranteed way to eliminate the problem. While fleas are often present on pets, they can also be found in your home’s carpets, furniture, bedding, and other crevices. You can get rid of adult fleas with a vacuum, but you should remember to remove flea eggs and larvae, too. For this, you need to use a high-powered vacuum. You can get a crevice tool attachment that can reach hard-to-reach areas.

Fleas are not visible to the naked eye, but they can be identified by their dark brown, translucent eggs, and white, hairy adults. Flea dirt also appears as white or black specks on carpets. To get rid of fleas, make sure to vacuum for at least a few minutes every day. When you vacuum, make sure to vacuum back and forth in the affected area, because the longer you vacuum, the more likely you are to get rid of fleas.

Another way to kill fleas is to use a steamer. Hot water disinfects surfaces and kills flea eggs. Steaming the area will also kill fleas that have been left behind.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!