Can You Get Fleas on Your Bed?

If you have pets, you may be wondering, “Can you get fleas on your bed?” Fleas are small, jumping insects that can be quite unpleasant to your pets. They can cause severe irritation and can transmit serious diseases to humans. Fleas tend to burrow into bedding and mattresses, where they can survive up to two weeks without feeding.

Fleas lay eggs and grow into adult fleas. The adult fleas are about 2 mm long and have an oval shape. They are translucent, and their eggs are very small, just a few millimeters long. Adult fleas are not microscopic, so it’s easy to confuse them with dirt and other particles. Flea dirt is red when it’s full of flea blood.

The bite marks of fleas can be quite noticeable. They look like mosquito bites and are extremely itchy. The bites often appear in clusters, around the foot and ankle region. The bites are often accompanied by reddish circles and can cause discomfort. The best way to prevent fleas from affecting you is to regularly clean your bed and mattress.

Fleas are attracted to heat and light. Fleas can live in other parts of your bed, like zippers, tags, or crevices in drawers and other furniture. Fleas can also leave behind black specks and blood. The most common place for fleas to live is in the mattress and bed sheets.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!