Can Vinegar Kill Fleas?

Vinegar kills fleas and their eggs indirectly, but not directly. The acidity in vinegar is too strong to harm a cat, and it’s not suitable for use on the skin. But it does repel fleas and their eggs. Because fleas have a life cycle, vinegar can kill a small percentage of them. Usually, two follow-up treatments are required after one treatment to kill off the entire population.

If you’d like to use vinegar to kill fleas, make a vinegar spray with apple cider vinegar and water. The vinegar kills fleas by dehydrating them. The spray can be used to saturate areas with fleas, such as carpets, upholstery, and bedding. You can also use a steam cleaner to get rid of fleas, which is another effective flea-killing method.

Another home remedy that kills fleas is Dawn, which weakens the flea’s exoskeleton. This allows the flea to sink to the ground and drown. Similarly, rubbing alcohol kills fleas on contact, but it is important to note that alcohol is toxic to animals.

If you’re worried about fleas on your pets, you can try vinegar to kill them. It works on both warmblooded animals and can also kill eggs. Fleas can live on bedding for months or even years, so it’s vital to wash pet bedding regularly and dry it at the highest temperature possible. Also, hair dryers are often touted as a natural flea-killing remedy.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!