Can Sand Fleas Travel Home With You?
Sand fleas are tiny creatures that can live inside of the body. These pests often infest the feet and ankles and can cause itchiness or ulceration. In severe cases, sand fleas can cause difficulty walking. You should take measures to get rid of the fleas as soon as possible.
Although sand fleas do not usually infest homes, they can be a nuisance to beachgoers. They prefer sandy beaches and are most active at night. These pesky insects are most common on people and pets. You are unlikely to bring them home with you, but they can be transferred to the children’s sandbox.
Sand fleas look very similar to regular fleas, but they are different. These pests bite and burrow into the skin. Sand fleas normally live in muddy or sandy areas and attack humans through the skin. They can also enter the home via pet fur or folds of clothing.
Sand fleas usually spend their entire lives near the ground and feed on blood from humans and animals. They are attracted to heat and movement. They are active at night and at dawn, but they can also bite you anytime. When they do bite, the bite feels like a needle and is usually painful.
The best way to prevent sand fleas from biting you is to avoid the area where the fleas are found. You can also apply insect repellents to protect yourself from the infestation.