Can Fleas Hurt Dogs?
A heavy infestation of fleas can be difficult to manage. It requires a multi-pronged approach that targets all household pets, as well as the sanitization of the environment. Fortunately, a three-week flea treatment can provide relief for your pet and prevent further discomfort. If your dog’s flea infestation is severe, additional support and nutritional supplementation may be required.
Fleas are parasitic, meaning they feed on the blood of their hosts to survive. They can infest both cats and dogs, and are found in approximately 2,200 species worldwide. Cats and dogs are the most common hosts of fleas, although they can also infest other pets, wildlife, and humans.
In addition to causing itching, fleas can also cause serious medical conditions. In some cases, flea bites cause anemia in young animals. The fleas feed on young animals’ red blood cells, and they become severely anemic as a result. In severe cases, flea bite anemia can be life-threatening. Treatment should be prompt in order to avoid further damage.
Fleas may not be visible to the human eye, but dogs are very sensitive to flea bites. Flea bites can cause a dog to scratch countless times per day. They can even break blood vessels, allowing secondary organisms to enter. This causes severe infection, extreme itching, and even death. To combat the problem, owners can use a flea repellent. But it is important to remember that these products can contain toxic chemicals that harm your dog.