Can Fleas Give You Ringworm?

While it is very difficult to avoid the spread of ringworm, there are certain measures that you can take to prevent it. For starters, you should do a thorough examination of your new pet, including a Wood’s lamp evaluation. Then, it’s important to isolate the pet, and practice good hygiene whenever handling it.

Ringworm can be diagnosed by looking at hair and skin under a microscope. Often, spores are visible on hair shafts, and a vet will perform a fungal culture. This test can take anywhere from a few days to four weeks, and the vet may recommend treatment to decrease the duration and spread of the infection.

In addition to treating your pet, you should disinfect your home and its environment. This includes cleaning the pet’s room and any other contact with the pet. To disinfect floors, windows, and radiators, you should use bleach at a strength of one to ten. In addition, you can disinfect surfaces and vehicles using Lysol. You should also discard any grooming aids that your pet uses, such as a collar, combs, or brushes.

The diagnosis of ringworm is most easily confirmed when your pet has a good medical history. Often, ringworm is found in pets that have been previously owned by the same person or household. When a pet has been infected, it’s likely that other members of the household will contract it, as well. Your veterinarian may even test other pets that share your home in order to confirm the diagnosis.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

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