Can Fleas Get Through Socks?

Fleas are blood sucking parasites that can make their way through clothing and socks. They can also get through thin, skin-tight fabrics. This is because they can cling to the fabric better than bare skin. Fleas can jump onto the fabric of clothing, snuggle into the seams and stitching, and then make their way to exposed skin.

To avoid fleas from biting your skin, choose long socks. They are also more protective, but they aren’t enough to keep fleas out of your clothing. Also, don’t wear jeans that have rips in them, because this opens the door for fleas to feed beneath.

Fleas are difficult to get rid of. Fleas live on humans, as well as dogs and cats. They can hide in the fur of your socks and shoes and will feed on you if they are close. Fleas can even jump up to six inches, so be careful when wearing socks and shoes.

When fleas bite, you’ll notice a red bump right away. The fleas’ proboscis is sharp and pierces the skin. They can also produce histamine, which causes the redness. The severity of the reaction depends on the number of fleas that have bitten you and your level of allergic response.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!