Can Fleas Get in Human Hair?
A common question is, “Can fleas get in human hair?” If you have a pet dog or a cat, it’s a good idea to keep an eye out for fleas. You can easily avoid them by washing your pet often, but you should still take steps to avoid letting them in your home.
While fleas are not parasitic, they can get into human hair by lying down. While they usually do not live on humans, they may sneak up on you and take a blood meal. Once they feed, they will leave, but sometimes they get stuck in your hair and are unable to leave it.
While fleas do not live long in your hair, they do live there for a short time. In order to get rid of them, you should use a hot bath. For this, you can add about one cup of dish detergent, half a cup of lemon extract, and two cups of baking soda. The fatty acids in the dish detergent will kill the adult fleas and the limonene from the lemon extract will kill their larvae. Then, wash your hair regularly with a standard shampoo.
Fleas prefer warm, moist areas. They can live on animals and birds with fur or feathers. A bird with amble feathers makes a perfect nest for fleas. Fleas can also get deep inside the feathers of a bird. This is because fleas can lay their eggs within the feathers, making them an ideal breeding ground.