Can Fleas Be Harmful to Humans?
Fleas are insects that are able to bite humans and pets. These creatures feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals. Their bites can be itchy and painful, causing excessive scratching, which can cause an allergic reaction and infection. However, most people are not at risk from flea bites.
Flea bites are typically small red bumps with a halo around the center, and they do not swell. The bumps can be localized or can be large and painful. Typically, flea bites appear on the legs and ankles, but can occur anywhere on the body. Fleas prefer areas of thick hair and carpets.
If you notice flea bites, try applying a paste of baking soda on the affected area. The paste will help relieve the itching and pain caused by the bite. You should apply it two to three times a day for a couple of days. If the bites are a serious concern, you should consult your doctor. Besides causing itching, flea bites can also cause serious infections, including fever, blisters, and pus-filled boils.
Flea bites may cause bleeding under the skin and can lead to pain in the joints and muscles. They can also cause small discolored blisters or pimples. Some people may be allergic to fleas, but others may not experience any adverse reactions.