Can Fleas Be Drowned?
Fleas cannot be safely drowned. They cannot float, nor can they swim. However, they can survive for seven or even 24 hours without oxygen. Luckily, there are ways to kill them without drowning them. One method involves using washing up liquid. Washing up liquid has surfactants that lower the surface tension of water. This allows fleas to sink faster.
Another method involves drowning fleas in warm water, such as a bathtub or a sink. Fleas are likely to get trapped in the warm water and suds, which can kill them. Rinse thoroughly afterward. You can also use a citrus-scented detergent to kill fleas. Mix the soap and water according to the instructions.
Diatomaceous earth can also be used to kill fleas. This substance is effective against fleas and several other pests. This substance is also low in toxicity to humans. You can spread this material over your carpets, upholstery, and your pet’s bedding. While this method is effective against fleas, you should always wear goggles and a dust mask when working with the product.
Fleas can survive in water for several hours. However, drowning them is not recommended because they have the biology to float. Their surface tension makes it easy for them to escape from the water.