Are Sand Fleas in the UK?

Sand fleas, or sand hoppers, are small crustaceans that live in coastal areas. Sand fleas are similar to true fleas in appearance but differ in size and behavior. They can jump up to 15 inches in the air. Because of this, they are more likely to bite a person without their knowledge.

There are two species of sand fleas. The long-horned type is found along the Atlantic coast of the United States. It is waxy white and grows to about 2.5 cm in length. The common sand flea, Orchestia agilis, is found on European coastlines. The bite is similar to that of the common flea but it is more likely to be itchy and painful.

Sand fleas are not commonly found in the United States but are widespread in tropical areas. They can cause a painful disease called tungiasis. The sand flea will burrow into a host’s skin and continue to feed for several weeks. Often, the bites will not be noticeable, but if left untreated, sand fleas can cause ulceration and difficulty walking.

If you’re a frequent visitor to the beach, you’re at a higher risk for sand flea infestation. The bites of sand fleas are red, raised bumps, and are usually more painful than a regular flea bite. They typically appear on the feet, ankles, or lower legs, and they may remain infected for up to a week.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!