Are Sand Fleas in Florida a Nuisance?

Sand fleas are microscopic critters that are found in coastal areas. They are often found in pairs, but can number as many as a dozen. They are easy to miss and will bite you without you noticing. They are tan in color and have a hard exoskeleton. These insects are similar to mosquitoes, but are microscopic.

Sand fleas typically cluster around seaweed. They are a nuisance and are often found on a beachgoer’s legs. Sand fleas feed on a protein in the blood of humans and animals. Their saliva also contains an anticoagulant, which makes it easier for them to drink blood. The resulting reaction will itch and feel uncomfortable.

You can collect sand fleas by hand or by using a rake. The best time of year to collect them is when they have shed their shells. Sand fleas with orange egg masses are more attractive to fish. Sand fleas can also be collected with a net. They are best found along beaches with moderate ground swell and wind.

If you are interested in selling sand fleas, you must be a saltwater products license holder. These insects are an invasive species, so you will need a license to sell them. Sand fleas can be sold for as much as $100 a bucket.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!