Are Fleas Different Sizes?

Fleas are small insects that live on the fur of animals. They are about an eighth of an inch long and red-brown in color. They have three pairs of legs, with the third pair being large and adapted for jumping. Fleas do not have wings, and their flat bodies are covered with a glossy coating. This coating helps them move smoothly through the fur of animals.

Adult fleas can lay up to 50 eggs a day. The eggs of fleas are smooth and pearly, and are the size of a grain of sand. Flea eggs are laid on a host’s skin or in a crevice in the floor. They can live for a couple of weeks or several months, depending on their host animal.

Fleas do not do well in cold temperatures. If the temperature falls below 37 degrees Fahrenheit, they will die. However, some species have survived winters that are a bit colder than that. Fleas often latch on to animals, such as pets and strays, because they prefer the warmth of a host animal. They also prefer dark areas, which is perfect for hiding.

Fleas feed off the blood of their host animals and use it as a breeding ground. One flea can live up to a hundred days without eating and can feed up to 50 babies.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!