Why is the Cockroach Black?

There are three stages of metamorphosis for the black cockroach. The adult can live between one and six months, and it can lay several eggs in its lifetime. It can reproduce very quickly if left uncontrolled. The female cockroach will lay more eggs during spring and summer.

These cockroaches can live in many places around a home, but they prefer dark, damp environments. They are often found in basements, garages, voids beneath porches, bushes, and under tree roots. They also can live on sidewalks and paths.

The American cockroach is a common pest. They prefer moist places, and they feed on a variety of plant materials. The species is most common in tropical and subtropical regions. They are often found in basements and heating ducts. They transmit bacteria and viruses, including Shigella and salmonella.

The most common place for black cockroaches to live is under the sink. The drips from sink pipes provide a perfect diet for the pests. Cockroaches can also crawl through pipes to get to other parts of the building. Using this method, the cockroach can reach virtually every room.

Oriental cockroaches are darker than their household cousins. Their bodies are glossy and black. They have wings but cannot fly. The male roach has small wings, while females have wings that cover nearly 3/4 of its abdomen. Oriental cockroaches are often found in damp areas and basements. They also live outside during the warmer months.