Why Do Cockroaches Go in Your Ears?

The reason why cockroaches go in your ears is not clear, but it’s possible they’re looking for a cosy place to live. In fact, a South African hospital reported pulling two dozen cockroaches out of people’s ears over the course of two years. In some cases, the roaches may die in your ear and then get stuck.

The best way to deal with an ear bug infestation is to see your doctor. A doctor will use an otoscope to examine your ear and determine if there are any infections. Once they have done so, they will be able to use forceps or a catheter to remove the insect. However, if the roaches have scratched your eardrum, you’ll need to visit an ER. There, your doctor may use medication to kill the roach and may also use a small forceps to remove the bug. If there is severe damage to your ear canal, your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics.

A Florida woman who had a similar ear invasion a month ago had a doctor mistakenly remove a juvenile palmetto cockroach and instead found an adult palmetto cockroach in her ear. The doctor removed a small portion of the insect’s body, but the cockroach’s body was still inside her ear for nine days.