Why Do Cockroaches Crawl on Me?

Cockroaches are small, omnivorous creatures that go through various stages of their life cycle before reaching adulthood. They feed on anything from sweets to meats and starches. The bites caused by cockroaches are red and itchy. The insects have a long life span and are known to survive nuclear war.

Cockroaches are nocturnal insects that spend most of their time feeding at night. This makes their presence during the day a sign of an infestation. They hide in dark, moist places. Their flat bodies enable them to squeeze into small spaces. They will hide in places like cracks in walls and welcome mats.

Cockroaches also use their antennae to detect food sources. This is how they navigate your house. It’s important to remove low hanging sheets from your bed. If you can’t get rid of the problem altogether, you can use essential oils to repel roaches. Essential oils have a pleasant scent that repels roaches.

Besides being unsightly, cockroaches are also potentially dangerous to humans. Some species carry harmful bacteria and can trigger allergic reactions in humans.