Which of the Following Characteristics is Correct With Respect to Cockroa?

A cockroach has a body made up of three parts: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. Its wings cover the dorsal surface of the body and are usually darker in color than the rest of the body. It is an omnivore and is nocturnal.

Cockroaches typically live indoors. They prefer warm, moist environments. Most species are tropical. They feed on plants and other vegetation, but they also inhabit structures and are a health concern in the United States. Their diet is varied, but they enjoy cheese, sweet substances, and meat products.

Cockroaches have a malpighian tubule system, which consists of slender tubes. Many arthropods have this structure. They also have green glands attached to the renal sac. Which of the following characteristics is incorrect with respect to cockroa?