Where to Buy Cockroaches

If you’ve ever walked into a grocery store and found a cockroach in a container, you might be wondering: where do you get them? Insects, like cockroaches, have a long history of being eaten by humans in non-Western cultures. It may sound disgusting, but cockroaches are actually one of nature’s best sources of protein and other essential nutrients. Cockroach milk, for example, contains three times as many calories and nutrients as regular dairy milk. Cockroach milk is also made from smaller particles of flesh, meaning you can drink it without consuming a lot of water.

A spray, meanwhile, can cover a larger area than a traditional baited trap and can reach crevices. These sprays contain pyrethroid chemicals that shut down the nervous system of roaches. They will kill most roaches within a day, but some of them can survive for up to two weeks after treatment.

Another common trap is borax, which works by dehydrating the insects. Applying borax to a roach’s foot or leg will kill it. Another type is diatomaceous earth, which is made from fossilized remains of freshwater organisms. It looks like a broken glass and damages the waxy outer shell of the insects. This kills them because they will dehydrate. This method is usually more expensive.

Another option is a gel product that is easily applied to the affected areas. The gel bait works by drawing cockroaches to the bait, and when they touch it, they ingest the poison. Cockroach gel bait works especially well with difficult infestations.