Where Can Cockroach Be Found?

A cockroach is an insect with an interesting structure and life cycle. Females produce egg capsules called oothecae. These capsules are sac-like and have up to 16 white eggs. The eggs hatch within five to seven weeks after depositing in a protected location. Adults usually live for 12 to 15 months.

The most common type of cockroach found in the home is the German cockroach. This cockroach prefers warm, moist environments. It will hide in cracks and crevices around appliances, including microwave ovens and clocks. It also spends a large amount of time in wall voids and under appliances. This cockroach emits a pheromone, a scent signal, which allows it to mark a particular surface as a fecal focal point.

Cockroaches are usually nocturnal, so it is possible to spot them in the night. They will often enter a building through cracks, which is why leaving a lamp on is ineffective at driving them away. In some cases, cockroaches may be mistaken for other insects, such as crickets, water bugs, ground beetles, and wood-boring beetles. The biggest species of roaches is the Megaloblatta longipennis, which can grow to twenty centimetres in length.

The brownbanded cockroach is a species similar to the German cockroach, but smaller and lighter in colour. Males are smaller, with fully developed wings and a light-colored abdomen, while females have shorter wings and an elongated abdomen. They may deposit eggs on clothing, wood molding, and floor cracks.