What Should I Do If I Eat a Cockroach by Mistake?
The first thing that you should do if you accidentally eat a cockroach is to get it thrown away. Even if the roach was only on a piece of food, it is still a health hazard. You could get sick from the bacteria that they carry. You may feel nausea, dizziness, and lack of concentration. You may also experience abdominal pain. If you feel any of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.
Although it is rare, eating a cockroach may cause a variety of health risks, including allergies and diarrhea. However, there is no chance of death from eating a cockroach unless you are allergic to its odor or saliva. It is more likely that you would choke on it, which happens with any food, but it is still possible.
You should avoid eating cockroaches if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Some people may have a severe allergic reaction to them. Also, people with sensitive stomachs and mouths should exercise caution while eating a cockroach. In addition, while chances of accidentally eating a cockroach are low, you should wash your mouth thoroughly before eating it.
While cockroaches are a nuisance to many people, they are a vital part of our ecosystem. They provide valuable nutrients to many plants and animals. They also have important roles in traditional medicine, such as in China. In addition, the FDA allows the inclusion of fragments from insects in commercial food products. In fact, you can find as much as 60 fragments in a 100g serving of chocolate and 10 percent of these fragments in a cup of coffee.