What Is the Size of a Cockroach?

Cockroaches are small insects that can vary in size depending on the species. They are flat-bodied and oval in shape with long antennae and six strong legs covered with spines. Young cockroaches are smaller than adults and do not have wings. Adults can reach a length of about 17mm.

The most common cockroach species is the Australian cockroach, which grows to just over half an inch in length. Its distinctive appearance is a dark stripe that runs from the head to the tip of its abdomen. This stripe is surrounded by a white border. These bugs live in warm climates and are a common problem in homes.

Cockroaches can live for up to three months without eating anything. Their main need is water. Roaches are often found in warm, humid places. They lay 14 to 16 eggs in a protective case. Their egg capsules are five-sixteenths of an inch long and are reddish brown.

Adult males are about 1 inch long, while adult females are around one-and-a-half inches long. They lack wings but have small wing pads. Young nymphs are reddish brown and will darken in color during their later instars. Females lay an average of 280 eggs in their lifetime, which is around two years.

Although there are 3,000 species of cockroaches, only 50 species live in the United States. Most species are between one-and-a-half inches long and weigh between 30 grams. They are reddish brown with black specks of exoskeletons and feces. If you suspect a roach infestation, you may see pieces of exoskeletons and black specks of feces around the house. These are visual confirmations that an infestation has occurred.