What is the Scientific Name For Cockroach?

If you want to learn more about cockroaches, you might start by looking up their scientific names. For example, the American cockroach is named Periplaneta americana, and the oriental cockroach is called Blatta orientalis. Cockroaches are classified as arthropods, and they have flat bodies, long legs, and pairs of antennae. However, their bodies are not similar to beetles’, which have narrow bodies and wings.

Cockroaches belong to the order Blattodea, and are classified in the kingdom Animalia. Their scientific name comes from the Greek word blatta, meaning “blatta”. Because cockroaches are so small, they spend most of the day hiding in dark places. There are more than three thousand species of cockroaches worldwide, and they are divided into about 400 families and 400 genera.

In the scientific world, cockroaches are classified in the order Blattodea, which is part of the superorder Dictyoptera. They are also classified according to their size and shape. Their distinctive features include leathery wings, a thoracic shield, and long antennae.

Cockroaches reproduce in pairs and produce up to three batches of fertilized eggs. The female cockroach produces an egg capsule called an ootheca, which expands as it fills with up to sixty eggs. The female cockroach then eats the infertile eggs and reclaims the stored protein in the egg yolk.