How Much Air Do Cockroaches Need to Live?

To survive, cockroaches need a certain amount of humidity or moisture to thrive. When the temperature is too high, they move to a cooler area where they can find more moisture. On the other hand, when the temperature is too low, they tend to move to a warmer area. Depending on the species, they may move to a television screen or a window ledge.

The respiratory system of a cockroach consists of a network of tubes and paired valvelike structures called spiracles. It is continuous with the cuticle on the body surface and conducts air from the spiracles to smaller tubes called tracheoles. These tubes carry carbon dioxide and oxygen from the environment to the tissues.

While cockroaches can die from suffocation, this method is not effective. Because cockroaches have an exceptional respiratory system and are highly resilient, suffocation does not kill them. In fact, cockroaches can survive in the presence of little oxygen.

Cockroaches are able to hold their breath for long periods of time. Their respiratory system is efficient and enables them to maintain a high pressure inside their body. By holding their breath, they are able to avoid excessive carbon dioxide and retain oxygen. The spiracles also open and close in response to the pressure of the environment.

Cockroaches can survive up to forty minutes without oxygen. However, some species are able to survive for up to half a month without food. They also have the ability to float when submerged. They can even survive for a month with food alone. Cleanliness is key to keeping cockroaches out of your home. If you are concerned, you can also keep cockroaches away from your pet by keeping the area clean and keeping them out of the food chain. Airtight containers can help prevent roaches from infesting your home.