What Do I Need to Know About Cockroaches?

Cockroaches are disgusting, nasty little creatures. They are known for spreading germs, ruining food and even making people sick. Their infestations can quickly spread in apartments, buildings and office buildings. Fortunately, it’s possible to control them with a few preventative measures.

To control them, the first step is to seal off areas of your home that are susceptible to them. For example, if you have a leaking pipe, cockroaches will be attracted to it. Another way to prevent them from infesting your home is to get rid of any food scraps on your counters and floors. You should also take out your garbage as often as you can. If you can’t get rid of them completely, you can also seal up cracks around doors and windows with steel wool to prevent them from coming back.

Cockroaches are attracted to moisture and food. If you have pets, you should invest in a food bowl that seals well and put it up high. Another common attraction for cockroaches is dripping faucets and cracked shower doors.

Although cockroaches are not directly poisonous, they can pose a serious health risk if they invade your home. They can spread 33 different kinds of bacteria and six different kinds of parasitic worms around your house, making them a dangerous pest. Cockroaches multiply rapidly and can quickly take over a space in your home.