Is It A Baby Cockroach Or An Adult Cockroach?

When you discover an infestation of roaches in your home, you may wonder if it’s a baby cockroach or an adult cockroach. Although they look similar, it’s important to know the difference between the two pests to effectively combat them. In most cases, it’s likely that you’re dealing with a baby cockroach – a tiny insect that is still unable to fly or walk.

A baby cockroach is a smaller version of the adult cockroach. They are white when newly hatched and gradually change color as they breathe. While cockroaches are generally not dangerous to humans, some species are known for their bite and can even bite. Baby roaches are often called nymphs and are often hard-bodied and have two antennae.

If you find a baby cockroach, you need to act quickly. It can carry disease, and there are some ways to prevent it. However, you should never mistake a baby cockroach for a bigger one. While it’s true that larger roaches are more troublesome, even a small one can carry allergens and other diseases.

Another difference between a baby cockroach and an adult cockroach is that it lacks wings. While not all species develop wings, baby cockroaches usually lack wings, so if you see one, it’s most likely from a nearby nest.