Is Cockroach Bad For Cats?

Cockroaches are not necessarily harmful to cats. In fact, they can actually help your cat’s health by providing protein and vitamins. Cockroaches contain more protein than crickets and they are rich in vitamin B12, which is good for your cat’s immune system, digestion, and cognitive functions. While you shouldn’t replace your cat’s natural food with cockroaches, they can help to fill in the gaps and encourage your cat to use its hunting skills.

Cockroaches are good sources of protein, so cats may try to eat them, especially if they’re dead. But if they’re not hungry or bored, cats may treat them as toys and chew on them. Although cockroaches are high in protein, they can also be poisonous.

If you accidentally feed your cat a cockroach, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. The poisoned roach could pass on the bacteria that it carries to your cat. Depending on the type of poison, the cat may have diarrhea, vomiting, or trouble breathing. In some cases, cats may also vomit up the cockroach’s shell.

Cats do not normally get sick from eating bugs, but the toxins and bacteria contained in roaches can cause problems in the digestive system. They may also become feverish. In severe cases, these symptoms may lead to death. Although most roaches are non-toxic, some insects may contain pesticides or other chemicals that could harm your cat. Nonetheless, cockroaches are not generally a cat’s natural food source and should be avoided at all costs.