I Eated a Cockroach, What Should I Do?

You may be thinking, “I ate a cockroach, what should I do?” If you find it in your food, you have many options. First, you can throw it away. However, this is not a good idea because you will not be able to determine how much bacteria is left behind or what harmful substances are inside. You should have your food tested by a microbiologist so you can find out for sure.

Besides the unpleasant taste, cockroaches can also carry dangerous bacteria and viruses. This is why you should avoid eating them. Cockroaches are known to crawl through dirty areas and eat human excrement. The bacteria they carry can cause diarrhea, fever, and vomiting.

To prevent this from happening, you should do thorough cleaning and make it difficult for cockroaches to find food. This will make them search elsewhere for food. You can also use a trap to catch the cockroaches. They are not easy to catch and are very fast. Cockroaches are usually nocturnal and will feed on crumbs and spills.

If you accidentally swallowed a cockroach, it is important to seek medical attention right away. It’s very unlikely that you’ve swallowed a live cockroach, but if you did, the cockroach will begin to digest in your stomach. As the cockroach digests, it will dissolve in the stomach’s acid, releasing a fluid that will pass into your bloodstream.