How Strong Are Cockroach Jaws?

Cockroaches are amazing creatures that possess incredible jaw strength. They can bite at a force of up to 50 times their body weight and use a special set of muscles to generate force. These specialized muscles are called “slow twitch muscles” and are responsible for increasing the force of bites. Engineers are hoping to use these techniques to develop more powerful machines.

The jaw strength of cockroaches is a topic of great scientific interest. Scientists in Germany and the United Kingdom recently tested the strength of roach bites. They put roaches on a sensor device and measured the force of the cockroaches’ bites. When the roaches clamped their jaws on the sensor device, two of them chipped their teeth.

The mandibles of termites are much stronger than cockroach jaws, and some species incorporate zinc from their diet into their mandibles. This can increase mandibular strength by up to 20% and reduce wear on the mandibles. While termites are cockroaches’ closest living relatives, they still need time to grind through things.

The force of a cockroach’s bite is equivalent to fifty times its body weight, which can cause severe discomfort for some people. Fortunately, the discomfort is temporary and only lasts a few seconds. If you suspect that you have a cockroach infestation in your home, it is best to call in a Denver pest exterminator to remove it for good.