How Much Do Cockroaches Weigh?

The answer to the question “how much do cockroaches weigh” isn’t as easy as it might seem. In fact, you may be surprised to learn that they’re incredibly resilient. They can survive nuclear explosions and radiation levels that would kill a human. In fact, their exoskeletons are so tough and flexible that they can handle up to 300 times their own weight. This incredibly tough structure is what helps cockroaches run through tight crevices, scurry off when chased, and stay alive even if they’re crushed.

When we ask, “How much do cockroaches weigh?”, the answer depends on the species. For example, a female cockroach may weigh just half of an adult roach. A male cockroach will weigh about twice that amount. The female cockroach carries the ootheca until it hatches and hides it in her body. Unlike her male counterpart, this female cockroach does not molt.

The cockroach uses a system of tubes called tracheae to breathe. These tubes are similar to the tubes leading to our lungs. However, unlike human lungs, cockroach tracheae are attached to spiracles, which are small valved openings on various body segments. When CO2 levels in an insect rise, these spiracles open to let fresh oxygen diffuse into the body.

The brain of a cockroach is divided into two parts: its head and abdominal ganglia. The head ganglia is comprised of the brain and frontal ganglia. The brain contains nerve cells that detect air currents. The ventral nerve cord also contains a giant fiber that transmits sensory information from the cerci. This is a reflex circuit that cockroaches use to move around.