How Long Do Large Cockroaches Live?

Cockroaches are resilient pests. Some species can survive for up to a week without food or water. Because they do not have a mouth, they do not need to drink a lot of water in order to stay alive. These pests can also survive submersion in water for up to 30 minutes. Unfortunately, roaches can be quite a nuisance. They can spread germs and food poisoning to humans, and can also infest food supplies.

Although most cockroaches do not survive to adulthood, some roaches do. Their lifespans vary a lot from species to species. A sixty-week-old adult cockroach may have trouble walking on an incline and may struggle to pick itself up. If it survives to 65 weeks, it has a 95% chance of losing its ability to walk.

If you find a cockroach with no legs, you should not panic. They will not die right away, but they will not be able to find food. Moreover, they will be more vulnerable to predators and pesticides. In this situation, they might only live a few days or weeks, and they will then starve.

Adult cockroaches reproduce every few months and lay egg capsules weeks apart. A female cockroach will usually live longer than a male. This means that a cockroach infestation can grow quickly, from a few insects to hundreds.