How Hot Can Cockroaches Survive?

Although American cockroaches are capable of surviving in cold weather, they would much rather live in a warmer environment. Cold temperatures can cause them to reduce their daily activities and to retreat indoors. When temperatures drop below 7degC, they limit reproduction and growth. Cockroaches are also known to prefer warm places to live in, such as under piles of wood.

While they are tough enough to survive in the cold, they cannot handle high temperatures. A heater, for example, will kill the roaches, but it will also damage the hiding places. Another method of eliminating cockroaches is by burning items. This method is a good way to clean out your home before you move.

Because cockroaches have a rapid reproduction cycle, they are sensitive to temperature fluctuations. In fact, they can go for long periods of time without eating, so temperature changes can be fatal to them. However, mammals can lower their body temperature through metabolic functions, which allows them to survive in less than ideal conditions. Unfortunately, mammals need energy to keep these metabolic functions running.

Cockroaches cannot tolerate high temperatures, and a temperature of over 120 degrees Fahrenheit is fatal for them. Although they are resilient to certain pesticides, they cannot survive in very hot temperatures. If the temperature in your home reaches this level, cockroaches will die in a few hours.