How Far Do Cockroaches Travel?

Cockroaches don’t have to travel very far once they invade your home. They often get into your home through drainpipes and gaps. They also hitchhike on other things, such as groceries or cardboard boxes. This makes them very difficult to stop unless you spot them as soon as they start to appear. The best way to prevent them is to treat them immediately. Infestations can happen even in clean houses.

Cockroaches live in dark places. They are not active during the day, so they are often hidden. However, when the darkness falls, they come out. These creatures can travel very far. Some species have been known to travel as far as 656 feet in a single night. The speed of their movements is about 50 body lengths per second.

Cockroaches can travel from one house to another, so you can avoid attracting them to your home by keeping your home clean and tidy. If you are moving, try to perform a deep cleaning when you move in and move out of a new place. If you notice signs of roach activity, you should immediately contact a pest control professional.

The legs of cockroaches are more powerful than their wings, so that they can travel up to 1.5 meters per second. As a result, roaches prefer to run rather than fly. They can also glide from high places to lower ones. If you don’t want to invite cockroaches into your home, seal cracks on the exterior of your home.