How Do Dogs Keep Cockroaches Away?

When dogs see cockroaches, they try to kill them. Some dogs will just stare, while others will hunt for them. However, dogs cannot keep cockroaches away permanently. Cockroaches will always come back if they can find food or shelter. Moreover, they can be harmful to your dog’s health. They can cause nausea and allergies.

Cockroaches are drawn to warmth and darkness, so they prefer to hide in walls and small cracks. However, dogs might make these insects afraid because they perceive them as a large predator. Dogs also have a very good sense of smell, and this helps them identify cockroaches before they move.

One of the ways to keep cockroaches away is to feed your dog with elevated food bowls. This will keep the roaches from eating your dog’s food. Besides, elevated bowls will keep roaches from climbing your dog’s bowl. Also, you should keep your house clean. Cockroaches are not attracted to clean surfaces, so a clean house is a good idea.

If your dog eats a cockroach, he will not notice it until it reaches his mouth. Although cockroaches are not naturally poisonous, they can still be harmful to your dog if he eats them. This is why it is essential to keep your home clean and free of food scraps.