How Do Cockroaches Come Inside Your Home?

Cockroaches are fast-moving, flat-brown insects. Their life cycle consists of three stages: nymphs, adults, and pupae. The female cockroach produces small brown bean-shaped egg cases. She deposits these eggs in out-of-the-way places. Each egg case produces several nymphs. The nymphs resemble adults except they are smaller and lack wings. The nymphs eventually grow larger and live in the same place as the adults. The German cockroach can produce thousands of offspring in a single year.

Roaches can enter your home through any number of sources, including outdoor breeding areas. Areas with heavy vegetation attract cockroaches, and so can a compost bin or a leaking outdoor faucet. In addition, cockroaches can come inside through cracks as narrow as a sixteenth of an inch.

Another source of cockroaches is garbage. You can reduce your chances of cockroaches by keeping your garbage cans clean and covered. Make sure to dispose of garbage regularly. You may also want to purchase garbage bags that repel pests. If you still don’t want cockroaches in your home, consider investing in a garbage bag that contains a barrier.

Cockroaches can also be prevented by ensuring that food is stored in tight containers and food waste is properly disposed of. Additionally, you can reduce your risk of cockroach infestations by purchasing your products from reputable businesses. Avoid buying second-hand equipment, which may contain cockroaches.