How Are Cockroaches Made?

If you’re ever curious about how cockroaches are made, you’re not alone. Insects with six legs and three segments are called cockroaches. They have a hard covering called an exoskeleton, which is divided into plates and sclerites. Cockroaches’ mouthparts are unique, too.

Female roaches produce eggs in a protective case, called an ootheca. The egg capsule can contain sixteen to fifty eggs. Depending on the species, an adult female roach can produce anywhere from four to thirty oothecae during its lifetime. Most female roaches deposit their eggs in discrete locations, but some will carry them around until the eggs hatch.

The German cockroach prefers to live near their own kind. Large groups of roaches can live in wall voids and under appliances. Roaches defecate on surfaces, leaving behind dark speckling that contains pheromones. These pheromones act as scent signals, marking surfaces as a focal point for fecal discharge.

Cockroaches have a long evolutionary history. Their fossil ancestors predated the dinosaurs by at least 250 million years. This means that they are among the first insects to live on the planet. Their ancestors lived in warm, tropical regions, and slowly adapted to colder climates over 300 million years. During this period, the earth was organized into a supercontinent called Pangaea.

Female cockroaches lay their eggs in egg cases. The egg cases can contain up to forty eggs. The eggs hatch after about a hundred days. In addition to laying eggs, female cockroaches can store sperm in their egg cases and produce several egg cases. Cockroaches typically live outdoors, where they eat decayed matter and sewage. They also enjoy sugary foods.