How Cockroach Bait Works

It is important to understand how cockroach bait works in order to effectively eliminate them from your home. You can use bait to kill roaches in your home and exterior areas. This bait is often made of gel and must be placed in areas where roaches regularly feed. The gel needs to be applied in small amounts so that it doesn’t spook roaches. If the roaches are attracted to the bait, they will carry it back to their nest and spread the poison.

Cockroaches love to live in dark and low places, so the bait should be placed in these areas. It is important to use the right bait for the particular roaches that you’re trying to eradicate. A wrong bait may even repel them from the station. A good way to determine the right bait is to place it in places where cockroaches are known to congregate, such as behind furniture or in the basement.

Another effective way to get rid of cockroaches is to place a glue trap in areas where they breed. Sugar attracts cockroaches and ants, and glue traps may work to catch these creatures. But be careful, as the glue can dry very fast. Also, roaches don’t like light, so the trap should be in an area where it is dark.