How Can You Tell If You Have a Cockroach Infestation?

If you suspect that you have a cockroach infestation, the best way to get rid of it is to contact a professional cockroach control service. They will use the latest treatment technology to get rid of your cockroach problem. The species of cockroaches you have in your home will determine the best treatment. The temperature of the area is another factor to consider, as some roach species prefer cooler climates while others prefer warmer climates. A pest control expert will identify the species and determine the best treatment for your home.

Cockroaches are small creatures up to three inches long. They have a small head covered by a shield-like pronotum and long, straight antennae. Their skin is oily, and they can be hard to spot. They leave smear marks in high-moisture areas. The marks are dark and irregular. They prefer to live in dark areas and are active at night.

If you suspect a cockroach infestation, check the location of the feces. Cockroaches often leave behind droppings, and the more of them you find, the bigger the infestation. Their droppings can look like ground coffee or ground black pepper. They also chew on food packaging, leaving behind black, speckled marks.

Another sign that a cockroach infestation is present in your home is the presence of roach egg cases. Cockroaches have different egg capsules, and a single roach will lay up to four to eight eggs per year. These eggs will hatch within 28 to 30 days.