How Can a Cockroach Get Up From Its Back?

Cockroaches can spend up to 10 days perching on their backs before they are ready to jump up. However, there are many reasons that may cause a cockroach to stop moving. Insecticides, low temperatures, and fear of being killed may all cause paralysis. Regardless of the cause, a cockroach that is paralyzed will have difficulty moving and cannot control its muscles.

When a cockroach is on its back, it will struggle to get back up. While some cockroaches do manage to get up after falling down, most will eventually give up and play dead. Others, however, will instantly get up and scurry off into a dark corner of the room.

Cockroaches are nocturnal insects and will not show themselves in the daylight, but they will move if they notice you. They may be hiding in a kitchen or other warm, dark area of your home. You can also trap them with a stick or squish them to kill them.

The head of a cockroach is oval and somewhat flat. The mouth is positioned at the rear, between the fore coxa. Its antennae are long and thin. The mouthparts are adapted for chewing and biting. Cockroaches have compound eyes with irregular hemispherical shapes and are wider near the vertex. The forewings of a cockroach are hard while the hind wings are membranous. The legs are of equal length and the abdomen contains ten segments.